Service Utilization

Service output
Total OPD attendance 219,574 209,195 225,000 198,588 177,947 -10.4%
Admissions 50,299 38,199 45,701 34,560 29,960 -13.3%
Deliveries 50,299 8,515 9,713 8,123 8,079 -0.5%
Major surgical operations 5,981 5,677 6,962 6,333 6,148 -2.9%
Laboratory examinations 571,786 388,058 544,154 491,966 403,871 -17.9%
Radiological examinations 39,422 42,060 43,893 41,834 42,777 2.3%
Immunization doses 571,786 104,476 103,267 94,553 95,434 0.9%

Consolidated number of patient contacts – 2020/21

Unit Inpatients (Children) Inpatients (Maternity) Inpatients (Other Adults) Total In-patients Outpatients (Children) ANC Out-patients Other Adults Total Out-patients TOTAL Contacts
Hospital 7,452 8,727 7,232 23,411 20,105 10,691 67,915 98,711 122,122
Amuru 1,523 1,860 470 3,853 8,256 5,969 7,118 21,343 25,196
Opit 1,850 1,000 447 3,297 5,997 3,971 6,505 16,473 19,770
Pabbo 702 1,570 485 2,757 7,531 6,433 5,533 19,497 22,254
TOTAL 11,527 13,157 8,634 33,318 41,650 27,064 87,071 156,024 189,342


Service output 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23 2023/24 Variance (%)
Total OPD attendance 225,000 198,588 177,947 178,877 159,262 156,024 -2.03%
Admissions 45,701 34,560 29,960 29,850 30,263 33,318 10.09%
Deliveries 9,713 8,123 8,079 9,268 8,839 8,853 0.16%
Major surgical operations 6,962 6,333 6,148 7,048 6,446 6,147 -4.64%
Laboratory examinations 544,154 491,966 403,871 383,296 440,209 505,400 14.81%
Radiological examinations 43,893 41,834 42,777 43,538 45,563 35,828 -21.37%
Immunization doses 103,267 94,553 95,434 100,436 92,313 105,445 14.23%

Income and Expenditure Statement 2021


Patient charges 5,430,008
Hospital school fees 1,448,555
Uganda Government 1,086,965
Other Local Revenues 347,603
Total Local Revenues 8,313,131
Donors 16,965,512
Total recurrent revenue 25,278,643
Amortization of deferred capital contributions 2,182,014
Total Revenue 27,460,657


Personnel 10,585,167
Medical Items and services 9,049,823
Generic Items 2,022,300
Transport expenses 682,343
Property expenses 1,736,609
Administrative expenses 754,746
Total Recurrent Costs 24,830,988
Depreciations 2,182,014
Other gains and losses 447,655
Total Expenditures 27,460,657